Monday, May 1, 2017

TimH Opening

Tim Horton's is opening a first outlet in Glasgow, UK and possibly later
trying for the London market. Fot those who may not appreciate
why Tim's is popular in Canada, do try to remember we have a climate of
extremes: impossibly cold in Winter, wet as anything in Spring anf Fall, scorching
in Summer. Tim's is always open (24 hours,on Christmas Day...), comfortable
and clean. In the night, it is where shift workers from hospitals and the like
can escape.

What's great about Tim's: coffee is at perfect warmth, actually good
black if your pants tug, fresh (no pot sits for more than 1/2 hour), cheap
(you can always afford a Tim, and it's okay to just drink coffee), the calorie
count on the donuts won't challenge your math skills (hello, 50 calorie Timbits).
As for the fresh food aspect, I, as a retirement shopper don't really dine there
but working men and women both do, which is in it's favour. And they occasionally
will put out something festive like a Nutella donut at Easter. So, me on a healthy
diet might 'just try one' just because. There are rarely any children, but the occasional
Saturday parent will take someone an teach'em the ropes on baked goodies.

Here in Canada, it is drive-through, take-out and eat-in. No pretty girl goes
through without  an acknowledgement, but an outside worker will be asked
how things are going, by the dediciated regulars. Their staff is as varied as their

So break a leg, Tim's. Bonne Chance!

                                                             *   *   *

We're going to Tim's!

source: Der Spiegel

Alright, I'm not funny. But apparently, Kim Jong Un's father didn't let himself
be photographed, and KJU is donning a historical haircut and doing the work.

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