Saturday, February 29, 2020

Next Day

I have taken to drawing the Sun as a circle which I know is centered
because the circle shaped is defined by its center coordinates.

The Earth image is moving along the following definitions. Looks cool!!

Going for a walk!!!

Friday, February 28, 2020


Just had to Google it: how come there is a new flu vaccine
each and every year - I know because I get it - and now it's going to take
one and a half to two years at best to find one for covid-19. Eh!?

Well, it turns out that the annual vaccine isn't necessarily aimed at an up and
coming virus. Each country has a mechanism to decide what three or four
influenza types are being targeted for the coming year, and the vaccines themselves
already exist. It is just a matter of producing the vaccine mixes in large quantities.
Sort of a Netflix of vaccines.


Planetary Motion

Biting the bullet on the Laws of Planetary Motion, this morning.
There's no escaping Johannes Kepler(1571-1630) and his three laws.
In effect, it is the center of the planet going around the center of the Sun
in a quasi-circular fashion.

Law 1: Law of Orbits
Law2: Law of Areas
Law3: Law of Periods

source: Wikipedia German

Thursday, February 27, 2020


Back to the circling planet anim. Decided to pare down on reporting
by adding a condition: System.out will only run if Earth has crossed
to the left side of the Sun (thanks to cos(x) becoming negative).  It will
report in if the x-coordinate is between 256 and 252.

So now I know that it takes 3.9... seconds for a complete orbit around the Sun.

About to add Mars to the picture, and would like to contact them on every turn.
Problem is 3.9 seconds is an approximation, and I risk getting out of synch over time.
I need to make contact during the System.out window!!!

                                                   *     *     *

The mythological Mars is a powerful symbol: he was the god of War.
He also stood for youth, and fertility. The current symbol of the masculine
is actually the spear and shield of Mars.

War was actually a season in ancient Rome, and it coincided with
warmer weather, between the months of Mars and October. It is
the 'business' of war that kept Rome prosperous.

source: Wikipedia

                                                                *     *     *

So now I have Mars making a short appearance in the on every turn of the orbital.
It's a lie, Mars takes close to twice as long as Earth to orbit the Sun: 687 days as opposed
to 365. From a coding perspective, there is nothing to multiply by two to make skip a
turn...Arg! The alternative would be to make it go across space on its own timetable...
Anyway, enjoy:

*     *     *
My little two-planet syste. In point of fact, Earth travels at 67,000 maph around
the Sun while Mars travels at 53,979...

                                    *     *     *

Half the battle: I know what the problem is. Because the program draws
from the top left corner parameters, for both images and shapes, putting
that x, y on rotation is always distorted as the far side gets in the way.

Below, a bull's eye pink circle where I have compensated by half the width
and height values!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


I've recentered things on my Earth-Sun code, to go with
the image sizes I am working from (Taken from sketch pad).
So the screen width is 512, the Sun is 176 width and the Earth 100.

Still battling to understand how the code gets the Earth image to
orbit. The multiplier is set on the time variable!! Clearly the code
values are going from positive to negative and back...😮

All comprehensible, after all. The math required to nail this is that
of Quebec grade 11, strong math. Ahem!

cos(x) and sin(x), both on the same x, will draw a circle; and that is what we have here.
The x, y cordinates of the Earth image (in effect, the top left corner of the image, 
albeit transparent) is what will draw that circle. Why an initial 206 for the x value; the 
width of the windowis 512, thus 256 is the center. our image is 100 pixels across, thus 
50 is its center.  The left corner at 206 is our image centered left-right. Theoretically, at time zero, cos(t) is 1. Add 128 - a quarter of the width - and our corner is at 334. the actual reading at first measured t is 332. Voilà! We can, with an analogous reasoning, find the y coordinate...

So are we getting a true circle!? We are getting points from the time measure. giving rise 
to a redraw. What happens between those points, well, good enough. As well , the time 
intervals vary (indeed, coder might be a factor, here, with all those pesky 
System.out.println() calls). Both coordinates of the point are called at the same time; 
good enough.

Should we make a game?

                                                      *     *     *

Monday, February 24, 2020


Had something of a futile day yesterday, asking myself the
wrong question and trying tointegrate user controls to
a coded stge. So today, going to a pro and some introductory example.

Thinl I'll be working first with example 4, getting one button to turn
green when pressed.

Need to think about the sequence of machine events that need to happen
when the game begins. The game area gets put on a canvas with graphic methods!!

Today's problem!

                                                 *     *     *
Got Example3 to work.

As Galileo is rumored to have said; it turns!

     *     *     *

Actually, the above illustration is profoundly wrong: the Earth circles around
the sun with the equator on the same plane as that of the Sun. Seen from the
top of the planet - or the Sun - the orbital  is traversed in a counterclockwise direction.

Interestingly, the Earth's rotation on itself in 24-hours is described as stemming from a
different motive: the initial accretions og gases and matter which started after the
Big Bang and led to the formation of our solar system was asymmetrical, which is why
the Earth continues to rotate on itself. This movement slows down over time because of tidal

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Back to Code

Can't stay away from the coding.

Am looking at some well-known code for a bouncyball.
If I make the screen larger, the numbers expand but 0 is stiil the center.

I have started designing a user interface, which shows up as FXML code,
but so far, only the main code plays! Shouldn't be surprised. The main code
says to start with the ball moving, not the sign-in decribed in SceneBuilder!

Saturday, February 22, 2020


Happy to read tha researchers are making progress in identifying
how the coronavirus attaches to its host. Reading about the actual sequence
that might lead to death is rather unnerving...

Friday, February 21, 2020


Taking Lyse shopping today:

                                                    *     *     *

Her latest:

Thursday, February 20, 2020


When good enough isn't!

Been trying to show interlaced circles!!

*     *     *

Did a better job of it, here:

Working with slices. in Microsoft Expression Blend.The originals were form Sketchpad,
made slice from a top and a bottom, on different images.


I am left peronnally reeling from yesterday's massive pile-up
on a snowed-out piece of highway : 200 vehicles involved, on over
a kilometer. It is a stretch of road I have often travelled on, taking the local
bus to Montreal. Indeed the alternative route - much quicker - involving
a non-stop trip on superhighways is also subject to whiteouts. All in all,
there is danger to and from Montreal in winter.

What is a whiteout? Blowing winds during a snowstorm or even after when the
snow is still light can cause temporary blindness to the driver. Open fields ie without
snow fences, trees are to blame. And the higher winds that come with
climate change, clearly. So I might pospone Supershopping till March when the snow

It wasn't the only incident: there was a multi-car crash in Marieville, out in the country
as well.

I don't drive, and won't be making recommendations on things better left to experts;
but I do think that blowing snow might not be the only culprit. I have noticed severe climate
events that I would call immediate state changes. Like riding to Montreal in said bus
a few summers back and suddenly the bus is under a bathroom shower-like stream
of rain. Bang; without warning. A cloud had formed and burst at road level, and I was in it.

There was a severe snow storm yesterday morning here in St-Jean; indeed I had considered
taking a photo to illustrate what a severe storm is. But I could still see the building across the
way. And by noon, when the incident happened furter North, it was sunny in Saint-Jean.

This takes me to a second observation. We were told to expect snow from a passing cold front
from the North East; but the South, where I am, got the storm first. Which makes me suspect
a state change from humidity drifting North from the US, no doubt coupled with pollution
closer to Montreal which would furnish dust on which snowflakes could form.

My two-cents' worth!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Franz Bretano (1838, 1917) was an important philosophical figure in the development of
modern psychology. His family was Italian, but they lived in Germany, and he was the
nephew of Bettina Armin, a key figure of German Romaticism. At one point a catholic
priest, he left the Church over the issue of papal infallibility. In effect,  he was also well versed
in Aristotle and Medieval philosophy, and thus came to serve as a bridge between
various traditions in philosophy. His students included Husserl (Phenomenology) and

source: English-language Wikipedia

*     *     *

source: German-language Wikipedia

translation: GoogleTranslate/doxa-louise


Actpsychology refers to one of Franz Brentano's (1838-1917)  philosophical and psychological doctrines, linked to traditions of medieval scholasticism . [1] The latter include the concept of activity . [2] All psychological approaches of the 19th and 20th centuries, which proceed from the primacy of consciousness and thus from a consciousness psychology and which also regard the psychic as sufficiently characterized by the reference of "Acts" as process-related conditions to their objects, can be considered to belong to Actpsychology . 

Its main concept is intentionality (from Latin intentio = intention, tension, effort, attention, concern, project) according to which psychic phenomena represent acts that are directed towards objects but do not match them (“intentional non-existence of objects”) , According to Brentano, the psychic act as the intentional directionality of consciousness is influenced by the psychic contents, i.e. H. the objects to which human consciousness is directed.

Brentano mentions the three classes of psychic phenomena in which the intentional non-existence of an object is realized on different levels

Ideas (appearances one way or another)
Judgments (true - false)
Emotions (love - hate).

When Brentano titles his main work Psychology from an empirical point of view , he means by empiricism or experience only the so-called inner perception as immediate experience .

Monday, February 17, 2020


Months to go on the Chinese viral pneumonia epidemic; see
the video form Le Journal de Montreal:

                                                 *     *     *

source: Le Monde


translation: GoogleTranslate/doxa-louise

The bad example of American democracy

Pressure on the judiciary, virulent attacks on his opponents and journalists ... through his methods, Donald Trump continues to test the safeguards of the American political system, even if it means weakening it.

Rarely profession of faith will have sounded so false. In a plea for Western values ​​aimed at strengthening the transatlantic link, before the Munich security conference on Saturday 15 February, the head of  American diplomacy, Mike Pompeo, invoked the rule of law and the attachment of the United States to  democracy.

The West, a community born out of the Cold War, is in much better health than some people claim in Europe, said Pompeo. “The West is victorious. Freedom and democracy are victorious. We respect the rule of law. "

If these arguments were effective at the time when the unity of the Western 'block' was forged around the American leadership against  Soviet ideology, they are, unfortunately, less and less credible when they emanate from the team of  President Donald Trump. While European democracies are shaken by the rise of populist movements and far-right parties, the United States no longer appears as the promoters of liberal democracy, but, on the contrary, as the matrix of this "illiberal" challenge .

The famous "scintillating city on the hill" which attracted pilgrims at the end of their transatlantic odyssey, praised by President Ronald Reagan, has been replaced by "Trumpism", a very personal form of exercise of power, which constantly puts to test  the safeguards of the American political system, the famous checks and balances .

Attempts to exploit diplomatic staff

In the past week alone, Donald Trump, strengthened by his acquittal in an impeachment trial during which he challenged all the rules, defended his practice of public intervention in the judicial system; to his Minister of Justice, Attorney General William Barr, who complained that he could not work serenely in an environment where presidential Tweeters constantly disturbed the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, M. Trump has reaffirmed his "legal right" to "do what [he] wants as president . " One can hardly imagine a more flagrant contradiction of the democratic principle of the separation of powers.

The head of the American executive also questioned the very established practice of having his teams listen-in on his telephone discussions with foreign leaders, the source of his indictment in the impeachment trial. The hearings in Congress within the framework of this procedure also highlighted systematic attempts to exploit diplomatic personnel for internal political purposes which are not to the credit of Mr. Pompeo, meant to protect them.

These are just the latest examples of the Trump administration's infringements to what is known as the rule of law in a democracy, which is essentially about following the rules of the Constitution. More generally, Trumpism is marked by a permanent climate of insults and personal attacks against representatives of the opposition and by the denial of facts and truth as the basis of information; journalists, on the other hand, are denounced as "enemies of the people" .

This is not exactly what can be described as a "victory for freedom and democracy". By his methods, Mr. Trump, on the contrary, makes them more vulnerable to the regimes he claims to counter.

Le Monde

Sunday, February 16, 2020


The reaction to the new Samsung folding phone has
pretty much come down to: a nice step forward to
nowhere... Very clever and well done, but is it really
useful. (Okay, it's February and a lot of us are in the
dark and damp...)

One female reviewer did mention it was great for showing things
to others, without having to parade that big phone in one hand.
She also said she liked that it could sit L-shaped on her desk; that's
my kind of thinking on it. Perso, I would find it very useful for some
of the translation -editing I do.

I take an English language article, have Google machine translate it into
French and edit the French text. It is, however, editing of a whole new kind.
When a machine translation goes awry, one often can't even tell what was intended.
(For the machine, in fact, nothing). One needs to go back, find the spot go back
to the original - have a giggle - and retranslate the offending bit.

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Putting yesterday's little film together, I used the Movie Maker 10 app in
its free versiom; it is available from the Microsoft App Store, and
easy to use. I also called on the Web Launch recorder (free version),
which I was very happy to find. One sees many instructional videos
with this tech, called screencast. Finally, many will have recognized
the Eclipse interface for Javafx.

Lyse thought I should have done a voice over, or used music. I needed to
break up the screen, and text in corner, do a voice over...edit!! 😐

 I located an Incompetech track of the duration of the film, in electronic music style.
Below, Limit 70:

                                            *     *     *

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Drag n' Drop!!

Couldn't be happier: I've found a simple way to perform a drag and
drop image operation, with two simple little functions. Actually, it's rather
clever because it by-passes the need to start the DD operation with a call
to dragDetected, and moves directly to dragOver and dragDrop. And the
documention will go on: dragboard dragview returns null unless one starts
with sais dragDetcted. The solution: use List, and file instead...the cost only
shows up on the imports list where one ends up with java utilities.

I am free to call any image!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Starting to wire my movie card. This code will take entry information
from a tect field and transfer it to a label.Maybe using an alert box!?

                                                      *     *     *

Setting the binding text instead lets one keep writing; Thins appear letter by letter.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Did a spot of bedtime reading last night, curious to understand
how Korean names are formed. Not mysterious, the last name comes
first, and the given names - sometimes generational - second. What is surprising
is how few family names there are; indeed, the first four account for about
half the population. In total, then, 286 which become 4179 when transformed
into clan names by the addition of the name of place of residence.

Below, the prevalent names and their translation. From the German-language
                                                   *     *     *

This gives me some inspiration for the last section of my Valentine's Kit, films.
On the left side of the page, a film poster; on the right, links to translation sites.
The translated names can then appear over the poster, a little data binding exercise
for the coder. todays problem...

                                              *     *     *

With a minimalist setting, the moviecard page looks like this. I need
it to - on confirm- be replaced by a permanent info sheet on the movie. Will
require a confirm button, a reset, and I might add a link to the trailer. The
information the user enters needs to bind to the permanent card!!

The poster, at the moment, can be dragged and dropped unto the project page.
for the app to accept drag and drop is a mammoth undertaking as well.

Monday, February 10, 2020


Things got difficult on coding last night; I am exhausting the
capacity of the working memory (I am coding from a tablet, hooked to
a large screen). some of the elements on a scene were just not showing up.

No problem: will work through the code problem with a simplified design:

                                                             *     *     *

Switching like a boss between my radio options, with immediate
repurcusion on the TextArea.

Should have remembered I was on the Java runtime (written entirely in Java) and not
on windows. One I worked the example on color, everything was fine:

The @FXML ensures my components are recognized. I am using myTA cold
in the buttonchanged function. but then, the whole is within the larger controller