Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Did a spot of bedtime reading last night, curious to understand
how Korean names are formed. Not mysterious, the last name comes
first, and the given names - sometimes generational - second. What is surprising
is how few family names there are; indeed, the first four account for about
half the population. In total, then, 286 which become 4179 when transformed
into clan names by the addition of the name of place of residence.

Below, the prevalent names and their translation. From the German-language
                                                   *     *     *

This gives me some inspiration for the last section of my Valentine's Kit, films.
On the left side of the page, a film poster; on the right, links to translation sites.
The translated names can then appear over the poster, a little data binding exercise
for the coder. todays problem...

                                              *     *     *

With a minimalist setting, the moviecard page looks like this. I need
it to - on confirm- be replaced by a permanent info sheet on the movie. Will
require a confirm button, a reset, and I might add a link to the trailer. The
information the user enters needs to bind to the permanent card!!

The poster, at the moment, can be dragged and dropped unto the project page.
for the app to accept drag and drop is a mammoth undertaking as well.

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