Monday, February 24, 2020


Had something of a futile day yesterday, asking myself the
wrong question and trying tointegrate user controls to
a coded stge. So today, going to a pro and some introductory example.

Thinl I'll be working first with example 4, getting one button to turn
green when pressed.

Need to think about the sequence of machine events that need to happen
when the game begins. The game area gets put on a canvas with graphic methods!!

Today's problem!

                                                 *     *     *
Got Example3 to work.

As Galileo is rumored to have said; it turns!

     *     *     *

Actually, the above illustration is profoundly wrong: the Earth circles around
the sun with the equator on the same plane as that of the Sun. Seen from the
top of the planet - or the Sun - the orbital  is traversed in a counterclockwise direction.

Interestingly, the Earth's rotation on itself in 24-hours is described as stemming from a
different motive: the initial accretions og gases and matter which started after the
Big Bang and led to the formation of our solar system was asymmetrical, which is why
the Earth continues to rotate on itself. This movement slows down over time because of tidal

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