Saturday, February 1, 2020


Found an intereting site authored by an ex Oracle Engineer: getting
glimpses of how things look to those who know.

What do I feel left out of? In part, a realistic sense of how things flow
in an application. The central notion here, of course, is thread, the smalles
unit of execution. In French, l'unité d'exécution conveys it. it is the unit currency
of program execution. So being told that the initialize method is not part of the
execution thread means something.

I am now thus aware that using the application launch method is not mandatory
in Javafx as it is in Java, but that doing so allows me to time when things begin.
If I need to go through a list before my game begins, I would schedule for this
before launch...

Is it necessary to use FXML with Javafx. Strictly speaking, perhaps not but why
deprive oneself. I thought for a moment that FXML might be for
apps that would run on distant servers, and thus go through browsers. No! Fx is
a language developed by Oracle based on XML but covered by the runtime...

There are two possible configurations to a Javafx app, in Eclipse: with FXML
and with SceneGraph. In fact, both end up creating an FXML file, the Graph one being
for simpler projects. or, if we refer to the engineer cited above, for going into greater
detail into the actual Tree of dependencies present in even the simplest controls, such
as the checkbox which has stackpanes for its different states. Again, insider knowledge!!

So the Registration example I have been playing with did begin as a code project,
but this would have to migrate to become a true app-worthy element.

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