Sunday, June 13, 2021


 Progress - and not- on the mario assignment. Decided to make

the key objet appear in PlayState, like the snails, and addig my key to the

objects list. Problem is, when I create an ojects list for the level, adding

a key to it comes with all the other objects, like bushes, disappearing.

Very strange. Will need to look at that all over again, tomorrow!!

This is not an idle issue. Once the player getd the key and hits the lock, the end

of level flag appears and the level is reset (without keys). it is a sequence of events

one is coding for!?

Even looked at hump.signal as a possible way to simplify removing the key events loop...

                                                         *     *     *

I was too hasty: this does work...Just need to insert my key on the model of the snails insert.

In effect, GameLevel already initiated these tables, with further update and render

functions. What threw me is that these are branded local; and thet remain local

to the PlayState.

Now for the scenario problem...

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