Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 Below, two runs of Mario; the first with the flag and post,

the second without. It was a major difficulty for me and I

ended up solving it with hump/signal. 

Note i have made the snails disappear, omitted the key and lock part

and given mrio a 1 in 2 chance of scoring a gem.

Blue Mario the Intrepid gets trough it all!! I was asked by someone for

different music and removed the falling sound effect in favour of a theme

that is impressionistic ie has sound effects built-in...

                                      *      *     *

I set up the hump signal; but - markedly - do not instantiate

TakeTwo at this point!

Signal emits the post and top functions. The TakeTwo condition is in terms

of it evaluating to true.

TakeTwo gets instantiated from within spawnPost():

StartState keeps track of the status of TakeTwo:

PlayerWalking handles the move to the Bonus state:

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