Sunday, June 20, 2021


 Father's Day and the first day of summer all in one; this time of

year is great, with so many things to celebrate. all of which provide

ample excuse to let go of austere witer habits...and diets. I say, let the

PARTY begin:

                                              *     *     *

I was asked how the above animation was accomplished. It is really

a little tinkering with Character(3) from Games50 Mario. What I liked

about the original was the Animation Class code, which one just needs to 

reference to parse trough our animation frames.

What I changed in main.lua:

I lwas a lazy Daisie and left the charactercode as is; just the changed the reference

image to that of flag poles. Did have to change the heigt of the 'character' though.

Added a copy of character animation, and changed the frame references. Chose

the blue pole and the red flag. It is here called the FAnimation...

Flag now has a speed, which I made slower then that of the poles.

Initiated the flag off-center.

Here it is, the 'invisible' switcheroo.

Update both animations.

Disabled the camera scroll(This is what keeps character centered in the original and

makes the tiles re-draw, eventually with a cliff at the left end.)

In love.draw(), called the flag before the pole to accomodate the visuals. And

added the text message, all within 'push'.

*     *     *

Changed the interval on the poles animation, from 0.2 to 0.7. Much better

overview of the various poles. Thik tomorrow I will try to use the animation

to run an animation loop...

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