Thursday, June 3, 2021


 It's been arduous, but am finally getting the ropes of working

with vectors and hump.vector. (Kept wondering how to define

player.position. Well folks, it's a vector!!) 

Below, someone is moving around:

                                                                 *     *     *

Added an acceleration component to determining position. Fun fact,

if I make the y acceleration negative, Mario will go down on up key

and vice versa.

                                                               *     *     *

Getting he length of the vector:

So here's the problem with acceleration: if we go back to the textbook

example of what the concept of acceleration describes, one is dealing

with gravity: speed goes up by so much with respect to time as an object

falls off a cliff. Here one wants Mario to accelerate under certain conditions,

but one needs to decide what those conditions are going to be. So delta time as such

is not the trigger, but dt in a certain direction... And there have to be limits

on that. That's the normalization problem...

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