Thursday, May 23, 2024


 On the Ukraine conflict, can't help but being struck with flashing 

lights indicating danger. We seem to be reaching a critical mass of 

intention signaling that spells disaster: Russia starting tactical

nuclear arms exercises ont the Ukraine border, the West arguing

for troop 'presence' from NATO countries.

Last time Russia signalled - by amassing troops on the Ukraine border - 

it wasn't a signal at all, but the real thing: they invaded. As for the West,

they all jumped in like lemmings, on the other side of that 'war', with the

rhetoric to match. Russia cannot be allowed to 'win'.

In a fundamental sense, there's a lot of blabber on both sides. Russia argues

from history, nostalgic for greater territory. The West knows better, territory

is not the game but access is. The West stands on moral invincibiity: 'We have always

won, we will again, rationality if not God is on our side" . Russia, in turn, calls the

West mindless and intransigent, not open to consider so much as the plight of

Russian speaking populations within Ukraine, an obvious linguistic minority...

Let us at least make a little progress on signaling. Western countries can speak

outside of their roles as NATO members, showing a preference for what a solution

might look like. We like to pontificate that we are the adults in the room; let's

give them a does of sanity.  Let Russia react to THAT!!

                                              *     *     *


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