Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 Python can be picky about  not just correct indentation, but how

it is done ie with tabs vs one space at a time with arrows or spacebar. 

I asked ChatGPT to explain the issue:

Sure, I can explain that! In Python, indentation is crucial because it denotes the structure of the code. It's used to indicate blocks of code like loops, conditionals, and function definitions.

When you say "aligns with backspace or arrows," I assume you're referring to how you indent your code, either by pressing the spacebar or using the tab key. Python allows both spaces and tabs for indentation, but mixing them can cause issues. 

The problem arises when you use a mixture of spaces and tabs for indentation within the same file or block of code. Python expects consistency in indentation style. If you use spaces for one indentation level and tabs for another, Python might interpret them differently, leading to indentation errors.

For example, consider the following code:


def example_function():

    if True:

        print("Indented with spaces")


        print("Indented with tabs")


This code uses spaces for indentation. If you mix spaces and tabs like this:


def example_function():

    if True:

→       print("Indented with spaces")


→       print("Indented with tabs")


The arrow symbol (→) represents a tab. This mix of spaces and tabs can lead to indentation errors because Python treats tabs and spaces differently, and it's not always easy to see the difference in your text editor.

To avoid this issue, it's best to pick one indentation style (either spaces or tabs) and stick with it consistently throughout your codebase. Most Python style guides recommend using spaces for indentation, typically four spaces per level. This choice ensures consistent behavior across different editors and environments. Many text editors can be configured to automatically convert tabs to spaces to help maintain consistency.

I tested this for myself. The first block of code uses spaces only, the second a mix:


I redid the spacing using spaces only:


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