Thursday, May 30, 2024


 For topics in linear algebra:

University of Waterloo Math Online - Linear Algebra 1 (

                                                      *     *     *

Went off caffeine on March 12, 2024 and still holding. I have

found a new energy equilibrium during the day. I allow myself 

peiods away from the computer throughout the day. I get stuck on

something; I take a break. I do my housework in small chunks every

day rather than on chore days. I get tired but not so much mentally

tired as I did in my coffee days.

One surprising effect: I am less hungry and eat smaller meals. In fact,

I often leave portions of my main meal because I experience an overwhelming

sense of fullness, out of the blue. I am also less tempted by sweets!!

The really unexpected effect: I dream and remember my dreams. A lot

of these are about stressful events in my adolescence or young adulthood. 

I guess I was suppressing all that, and need to work through it now.

I don't really expect to ever go back to my dependency days. My mind feels 

so much freer. I don't dare even a small relapse because getting off caffeine 

was so unpleasant in the initial stages. Like who wants to go on another diet!! 

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Oh!, and I was really delighted to read the other day that we may be getting

closer to solving the extra-terrestial life problem. Why aren't we seeing 

extra-terrestials!? Just maybe, they are just like us: stuck on their home-worlds. 

The difficulties of space travel are real for them as well as for us.  And - dare I say it -

those first forays of ours with selfies and descriptions of our reproductive

activity were kinda cringe then, and they are now. 

Seriously, we need to get serious. Extra-terrestial life may be very different and

needs to be looked for in a very specific way.We won't get far with the Tinder 

dating approach 🙄

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