Friday, May 3, 2024


 Too cute: back in the day - and I lived through it as one of them - baby boomers

demonstrated to end war. Today, campus protesters want universities to change their 

investment policies. How about that!!!

                                                               *     *     *

I'm pretty stoked about this: tomorrow morning, I will be submitting my first 'job'

to an IBM 127 qubit quantum computer. My request will go in a queue, I will be assigned

a code for my project, and I can pick up the results later.

The program is short but complex enough; it is Coding with Qiskit Episode3, the

so-called Hello World of Quantum Computing because that is where learning begins.

The set up: 100 qubits are linked in a horizontal line via cnot gates. Quantum circuits

are read by column, from left to right. The presumption is that entanglement

cannot be expected to resist long in such a design, with noise quicky gaining

the upper hand.


The code:

The result I expect to approximate:

*     *     *
The code calls for using the Brisbane computer (which is in Australia), but I am thinking 

I might do better with the one in Bromont, Quebec!??


                                                                      *     *     *

GHZ (Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger) are entanglement states in quantum computing...

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