Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 My problem for tomorrow: untangling the Bell's Inequality circuit,

So far:


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   Been reading the docs from IBM; turns out one always begins a circuit with

a  qubit in the |0> state. Below, the teleportation protocol explained:


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It is the presence of a T-gate ( a pi/4 phase change) which makes this circuit a quantum one, 

impossible to simulate on a classical computer. Hadamard, CNOT and T form a complete set

of quantum gates, which can get us anywhere on the Bloch sphere!

Certainly! Let’s delve into the fascinating world of quantum gates.

The S gate (also known as the P gate or phase gate) is indeed a Clifford gate. Here’s why:

  1. Clifford Gates:

  2. S Gate:

    • The S gate is a single-qubit gate that induces a π/2 phase (i.e., a quarter turn) and is sometimes referred to as the phase gate.
    • Mathematically, the S gate corresponds to a square root of the Pauli-Z gate:


    • Since the S gate can be expressed as a tensor product of Pauli matrices, it falls within the Clifford group.
    • In Qiskit, you can apply the S gate to a quantum circuit using the s() method2.
  3. Universal Quantum Gates:

    • While the Clifford gates alone are not sufficient for universal quantum computation, augmenting them with certain non-Clifford gates (such as the T gate) creates a universal gate set.
    • The T gate, which induces a π/4 phase, is not a Clifford gate because it cannot be expressed as a tensor product of Pauli matrices.
    • However, when combined with the Clifford gates, the T gate allows for universal quantum computation.

In summary, the S gate is indeed a Clifford gate, making it an essential building block in quantum circuits. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask! 😊12345

Certainly! Let’s delve into the fascinating world of quantum gates.

The S gate (also known as the P gate or phase gate) is indeed a Clifford gate. Here’s why:

  1. Clifford Gates:

  2. S Gate:

    • The S gate is a single-qubit gate that induces a π/2 phase (i.e., a quarter turn) and is sometimes referred to as the phase gate.
    • Mathematically, the S gate corresponds to a square root of the Pauli-Z gate:


    • Since the S gate can be expressed as a tensor product of Pauli matrices, it falls within the Clifford group.
    • In Qiskit, you can apply the S gate to a quantum circuit using the s() method2.
  3. Universal Quantum Gates:

    • While the Clifford gates alone are not sufficient for universal quantum computation, augmenting them with certain non-Clifford gates (such as the T gate) creates a universal gate set.
    • The T gate, which induces a π/4 phase, is not a Clifford gate because it cannot be expressed as a tensor product of Pauli matrices.
    • However, when combined with the Clifford gates, the T gate allows for universal quantum computation.

In summary, the S gate is indeed a Clifford gate, making it an essential building block in quantum circuits. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, 

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