Thursday, August 2, 2018

Diet Shame

The dieting mind is a thing of wonder. Irregardless of the best
intentions in the world toward eating lean and clean, old indulgences
find their way back into one's diet. Case in point, I have taken
personal discipline to new heights with my summer diet, sticking
to three balanced light meals per day, with no calories ingested
outside those meal windows. Yet, inexplicably, my weight remained
up  few pounds from my usual summer low. What have I been doing?
Why just 'throwing in' a scoop of yogurt and/or whipped topping with
my evening bowl of Rice Krispies  and fresh fruit.

It hit me this morning, as I watched a YouTube vid which referenced the legendary
Corn Flake Milkshake served at Hawksmoor's Steak House in London.
With picture below. Couldn't find the recipe, although Kellog's does
give a version...

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