Tuesday, August 28, 2018


So today I am celebrating something of a dieting victory: I'm
at my summer low weight  of 100 lbs (45,5 kilos on my ruthless electronic
scale). Itis a relief, and I'm looking forward to not writing down every bite
I take on My Fitness Pal after Labor Day. Pal is tedious but gets the job
done. On a three meals a day, no snacking diet, every entry brings
closure; no matter what happened, it's over and one is free - in all
innocence - to eat again at the next meal. This particular diet will have
lasted 100 days!!

An interesting article in Libération today: the habit of women going topless
on French beaches has all but disappeared. The female professor comenting
on the matter seems to think this was a form of political protest in the 1970s;
it wasn't. It was fun and it felt good. And among the myriad reasons offered
as to why young women currently cover themselves, I would choose this one:
otherwise, they would get harassed if not worse. It is  different more crowded
world. Voilà!


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