Tuesday, November 13, 2018


TRUE STORY: I remember as a (pre-school) child trying
to tell my mother that I didn't like sugar because it
made me dizzy. I was still expected to put sugar on cereal,
a grapefruit half, with strawberries... To the
point where I hardly wanted to eat these foods at all...

Hard to believe from today's perspective on things.
To the point where added sugar is seen as  slow poison,
dammaging the body by releasing the free radicals
that age us.

What about the dizziness, though. It is still with me.
Just had my favorite breakfast of cottage cheese and
fruit, and threw in a half portion of tapioca pudding
left over from last night. Dizzy as anything, and this ingested
after my early morning black coffee, which I deem necessary
to eating anything at all. And a tad nauseous. Could go lie down
although getting some work done is easier because I am not in
any way hungry.

I will be having a lower glycemic index brekkie  tomorrow, see how
I feel. Maybe I can find an optimal level for myself. Still eating like
a normal social being, but with a sense of my parameters.

Maybe I ate too quicly, but I don't think so. I play word
games on the computer when I have a meal alone; conviviality
of sorts...



                                         *     *     *

Day 2, I am going for a - equal calorie - but lower glycemic load
breakfast. And I am not dizzy.

Under 10. The temperature today has, however, taken a plunge.
It is -9°C on a sunny day at 11 am, and I'm going to need some
courage to venture out!!

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