Monday, November 26, 2018

E Physiology

Considering the current split between keto and vegan,
I am looking to better understand the evolution of
our metabolism, as well as the  development of eating
practices. One thing that is clear is that hominids ate
what they found, when they found it. It was never a supermarket
experience - today we are looking for blueberries - but more
of a see it, grab it, try it...

There is a work in French by Gilles and Brigitte Delluc that summarizes
findings in physiology and evolution. They are medical doctors and


 source: Wiipedia

Interestingly, the Neolithic introduced  salt and dairy; the Industrial
saturated fat in both!!

My guess would be that it is impossibe to establish primacy between
sugar metabolism from the pancreas, and the use of fats (soft fats from diet
is recent) from the liver. Both are long-standing structures. Primitive man
consumed a lot more vitamins than we do, but there was more variability as a
function of time of year and geographic location.

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