Saturday, November 24, 2018

Petrol Issue

                                                *     *     *

And right when you least expect it, there they are,
the oppressed masses, tearing up the sidewalks on
the Champs Élysées and burning the chairs. Because
now that everyone is oh so concerned about the Environment,
and about governments not doing enough to change behaviors,
who is left behind and unable to handle environmental
taxation? The working poor, stretched to the limit with
exhausting jobs at minimum wage.

And as they were there last week-end as well as this one, they
are planning to come back next week-end. Macron just has to go
because he is insulting, and doen't seem to understand these taxes
on petrols are unlivable. There is no alternative to just coming back.

Demonstrations in Paris are - normally - frantic and raucus. These are
like a dance, with unhurried police moving the crowds with water jets,
and tear gas. A number of bicycles got burned, but the storefronts are

Analysts remarked on how these events are a reminder that Macron
was a second-choice-elected for a fragmented electorate. There is work
to be done and President Macron will be addressing the nation on television
Tuesday night.

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