Wednesday, February 20, 2019

D Diet

Doing this visual calories presentation is taking me back 
diet memory lane because, over the years, I did try some
pretty odd eating regimens. One of the strangest - and I
stuck to this one a good year and a half - involved eating
a plain doughnut every day, and absolutely nothing else that
contained added sugar. The idea behind this was to regulate
my intake of said sugar and try to develop a natural sense
of what my limit was.

My weight remained totally fixed during this period, at 110 lbs.
At 5 foot 2, this was an acceptable weight for me. It was,
however, a pretty dull way to live, and it did lead to an increase in my 
coffee consumption. In effect, to make this work I never bought anything
with sugar to take home, and would consume my doughnut at a coffee 
shop. Ottawa is a government city and there are food courts everywhere
open during the week, and a myriad of Tim Hortons open 24/7.

Here is how it looked: I would have fresh fruit and a coffee around eight am
with the morning news; the coffee shop stop for coffee and pastry at ten, 
my meal with veggies late afternoon, sugarless toast and peanut butter 
at bedtime. I would do the meat and potatoes thing when visiting my
parents, and keep within 6 teaspoons of added sugar in a day easily enough.
Who knew, except maybe the employees at Tim's but they were pretty
cool. To this day I can down a small pastry for breakfast and enjoy it,
I guess I did find my limit.

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