Friday, February 1, 2019


We are surrounded on all sides with folks prepared
to share with us what sensible eating is, but an equally
necessary exercise might be considering what sensible
aging might look like. The extreme case is obvious: dude
who drinks wine leaves Kool-Aid to children, and if he
doesn't, we are all allowed to call him out for this. Maybe,
just maybe, the 'thin friend' - for example, Matt Stonie - is
someone who has managed this replacement exercise
smoothly all along. Like seeing chips as kids' food when he had
his first beer...

It's an exercise worth engaging in because one can't just add
pleasure foods to the list indefinitely. A baby might enjoy a few
bites of ice cream for dessert from its high chair; a 45 year-old
male digging in after dinner could well down half the quart. As
I said, moving on...

I am including a YouTube video presenting the ideas of Carl Jung
(1875-1961), (historically, an alternative view to that of Sigmund Freud). It's
all about working on self.

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