Monday, February 4, 2019

Just Guess

Yesterday, I braved the icy drizzle to go to Canadian Tire
to buy plumbing stuff because it's going to be days to clear
weather. To up my quality of life, I also bought a new sink
strainer for the kitchen. Oh, and a Kinder Bueno bar for Valentine's
Day breakfast. You'll never guess what happened next.

BOTH plumbing pieces were beyond me! Turns out a fancy strainer
only strains and doesn't seal on twist and turn. And my expensive
easy-to-install toilet handle is security packed with a clear plastic piece
which stops it from turning. House water runs very cold in winter.
It was a moment from Titanic every time I plunged my arm to retrieve
the chain.

Today, everything works but that Kinder bar is gone. I ate it after dinner, and
unwrapped it like an addict. It was ...words fail me. I would like to buy one
for Lyse but don't trust myself. I'll wait.

Today, it's freezing rain. I might go to a near-by pharmacy for Kleenex. Maybe
some make-up...

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