Thursday, February 21, 2019

Diet Calcs

Now for a little Rocket Science math, because getting an
accurate calorie count on a hot cereal breakfast can get
a little spacey.

On the cereal side, I'm mixing Oats and Oat Bran by using
a half serving of each. A serving of Oats calls for 3/4 cups
of water and 1/3 cups of oats (110 calories); a serving of Oat
Bran is 1 cup of water and 1/3 cups of Oat Bran (120 calories).
There are 16 tablespoons in 1 cup, so I'll need 16/6 tablespoons,
that is 2.67, of each cereal product and .875 cups of hot water.
Looks like this:

I'm mixing in:
2 teaspoons of 2% Cottage Cheese, which is 100 calories per half-cup.
There are 8 tablespoons, thus 24 teaspoons in a half-cup, thus
100/12= 8 calories

2 tablespoons of 4% Vanilla Yogurt, at 130 calories per half-cup, hence
130/4 = 33 calories

1 tablespoon of Crushed Pineapple at 70 calories per half-cup,
70/8= 9 calories

6 grapes, for
6 x 2= 12
One quarter cup of 2% milk, at 130 per cup,
130/4= 33 calories

115 + 8 + 33 + 9 + 12 + 33 = 210 calories
 Having calculated once, one is free to measure the cereal to make it
but estimate the toppings because...

Essentially, my best guess is that I have measured everything accurately,
and eaten every bite. My entry into My Fitness Pal is done with Morrison 1 laddle
(from the database, with a convenient 100 calories) Astro Yogurt Strawberry 6%
which I adjust for calories on days when I actually put yogurt on Oats. I use
Pal to track calories, not the only option. I could, for examle, if I wanted to
try Keto and needed to stay within 50 grams of carbs per day, create a new
account (with a different email address), just for that. It is a usefull interface.

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