Sunday, February 17, 2019


It happened in my lifetime: foods sold in supermarkets
are required to show nutritional and ingredients labelling.
Heck, I'm old enough that supermarkets happened in my
lifetime, and I still remember the farmer's market in the
Old City where one would go for meat on Saturday morning.
Two storey brick building, very crowded, strong smell...
In the summer, flower stalls outside ...

Back to the present. I bought a jar of marmelade yesterday,
an American brand we use to have at home in my childhood.
The glucose/fructose is different from the original product...
we will see when I open it. I remember it as very tangy, and
it was a household staple for us. I didn't buy it at Walmart's,
but I am seeing the Canadian standards label: it is in French/English.
Young folk today might not appreciate the difference that labels
make. Dieting use to involve books with calorie counts. Marmelade
was 100 calories!? Probably why diets were so simple: eat boiled
eggs and grapefruit for 10 days.

The preservative is citric acid, and I googled ' citric acid vs lemon juice '. One
day I will understand the Citric Acid Cycle ...

I also looked up the current American labelling standard, which has evoved.
A quick visit to Costco San Diego shows me where labelling practices
currently stand, Erythritol is a low-calorie sweetener currently apporved,
while Stevia still has some bad press. I am still on my own for the difference
between narural and added sugars in milk products.

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