Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Recap_ Powerup

 So my Powerup class document is one of the guys, in the src folder.

And the quad will come from 'breakout.png' in the graphics

folder, all well and good.

Powerup is added to what main loads:

Main delegates update  to PlayState:

Main then delegates draw to Playstate. (Thus main

calls the love.draw() function and places render within it!)

From Playstate, things are a bit different. Powerup gets added to

what is referenced, only Powerup is not initially in play; so I

instantiate it here:

First thing in PlayState update, I put it in play:

Then it gets updated with respect to dt ie every frame:

Finally it is  rendered:

Powerup, the class looks like this; there is no call to love draw -

same as for the other merely rendered objects - but the render is conditional

on being inPlay.

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