Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Rule

 So do let me add a little oil to that fire...

Meghan Markle claims that those around her seemed 

blind to her accusations of racist treatment, in the 

Press and elsewhere. As someone born and bred in America, 

she expects her mixed race heritage to be both acknowledged

and managed politely. But here's the rub, America and Britain

might well be dealing with very different race perceptions.

In the US, this was long called the 'one-drop' rule. Anyone not 100%

white was Black. Over generations, this might swell the ranks

of the Black considerably and there are indeed currently some 14%

of Americans in this category. Chest-thumping Britain has a mere 3%

Black whom no-one ever sees. Hum...

I remember seeing D. Camilla and Meghan standing side by side

at some function and the former side-eying the latter's pale pantyhose

to refelct it was too white nad she wasn't there yet. I should have

know this wasn't going to end well!

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