Sunday, March 7, 2021

Solved One

 After spending an indecent amount of time on tinkering

with pre-fabricated code from here I there, and feeling rather

hopeless, I stumbled on a very helpful Youtube video(below).

The message eas salutary: programming and coding are not the same 

thing: the first is being mathematically clear on what needs to happen,

the second is formulating instructions in this or that programming

language. I did not have a coding problem, I had a programming


I can - from the class page - define the behaviour of all instances

of that class. If the ball class is orange, all balls I create on main

will be orange. If I want to specify the behaviour of one or more balls

from main, I need to have them in an array, and refer to each and every

one of them. For i=1, 5 ball in ipair(balls)...turn blue. And I am free

to table.insert... or table change the number of balls in play.


Looking forward to getting this done, tomorrow.💃

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