Wednesday, March 10, 2021



Things have gotten exciting this morning. I now have a Powerup that spawns two balls

when hit, and those balls score like the original.

Did this by adding a balls table, and running the collision code for balls[i].

Only reservation I have about this - and I am not the best gamer around - is 

that the game has gotten difficult. If any one ball goes off-screen, player looses

a life!!

                                         *     *     *

I changed things around; the game now goes on so long as 

'ball' in play. (Can't make that any ball, because removing ball

makes it impossible to go back to Serve State!!GR) I'll live with


                                        *     *     *

Have also been thinking about the rest of the assignment. For moving to a larger

paddle, I will trigger this after a certain time, but it will cost the player 100 points

every time I do.

As for the lock and key aspect, I was thinking of integrating this with both 

icons as part of the bricks. Player has to knock out the key brick before the lock

one; if he does, it's +500 points! If he doesn't, it's a fail on the level...

We'll see!

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