Thursday, April 8, 2021


 The best: finally decided that getting level from PlayState

really is impossible. So I now keep trrack of level with a

independent mechanism that increments by 1 every time game 

needs a new board, which coincides wth the official level change.

Now just need to finesse the code, (and restore normal scoring).

                                                         *     *     *

Random work son Level!!

In this scenario, each level progress creates a board with a level more variety...

                                                                     *     *     *

I have been running score at high numbers, to change levels easily. a more

nuanced scoring system might be soething like this:

To be determined tomorrow. As well, I need to check up on replacement

tilesmthat fall, so their are consisten.

Then, I tackle the shiny tiles. Been thinking I sould re-do the graphics

so that each tile has a stylised S on it. I would then create a random set

of tiles for the new board, with a randominzer yes, no on each if they

were called up. That way, I would get a manageable et of Supertiles,

never from the same stop or to the samw gridspace.

Follows a tedious scoring exercise for the row. I say tedious because my own

instnct to counter missing matches would be to take a fraction of the resource basket

of avilables at every turn. That would change the odds. 

Only switch tiles if that cretes a match is then a look right look lwft algorithm.

Kinda know where this is going😏

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