Wednesday, April 21, 2021


 Been playing with the notion of timers, which become important

in interpolation programs. One can have objects advance at different

rates with love2d as is, but if we become in interested in when they stop,

then one needs fancier code. Enter libraries, such as knife.

The term for game interpolation is tweening. Another term to know is easing,

having objects accelerate on departure and decelerate at arrival. One tweens

to ease...

Tweens1 was done with the love timer; Tweens2 with that from knife and shows

opacity coming in at different rates!

I've got it down to three birds, but still having trouble with the random position

version. Problem is, if love does two random oprations within one second of each

other, it will be using the same random seed, and to birds will be on the same y position.

Been thinking of running a problem with pi in between...😗

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