Sunday, April 18, 2021


 So, working as an exemplary student, I notice the menu in

the masterfile for Mario. One begins with tiles0, inVisual Studio


There is a utility fonction to make quads, but no real spritesheet to speak of.

Just a lonely 32x16 piece of tiling whose right half is clear.

The utility function creates a spritesheet on orders form main.

And here main wants a map 20x20.

So what happens: one gets an empty background and a set of tiles to specification.

Below, the x-values will be, while y < 5, draw the Sky, set at 2, hence transparent.

Then, go to town and draw some tiles ie 1.

And there we are: 5 double rows of transparency and the rest, tiles...Modifiable at will!

*     *     *

*     *     *

Moving on to Tiles.1, one needs to change the code for the random 

background. Love2d currently codes for color not to 255 colors, the

RGB requirement. It rather expects a decimal value for that. The

default with no specifications will give that.

It's a fun exercise; one then gets a new background everytime one runs it.

The breakthrough, though, comes from the ability to advance the tiles - with the arrow
keys -  giving the impression of game mouvement. Recall that the scene is redrawn

in deltatime within love.draw().


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