Friday, April 16, 2021


 Moving on: I re-instated my score code, with an arrangement

for shiny tiles (in PlayState)

In Board.lua, inserted code - which I lifted outright - for 

including the whole row or column. What I couldn't see for

myself was that one can do a 'for... do' loop assigning a series

of y or x values. Now I understand!

                                                           *     *     *

The last part of the assignment struck me as truly Herculean: only allowing

a swap between tiles if it results in a match. Otherwise, reset the board. Just

found the code that does this on a Github. It's actually quite clever: from

Board.lua,  have every tile check left, right, top, bottom for a possible match 

by actually making the match; then reversing the match and returning true. 

If the whole eventually returns false to PlayState, re-set the board.

Now that's programming!

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