Tuesday, April 6, 2021

No Way

 I knew this was going to be bad, and it has been, for two

days. Trying to get game level to influence the make-up

of the board. It is in principle impossible: one would be

back-passing variables nform main action to classes. that

makes no sense to me.

Looking at what people who have posted the assignment to

YouTube have done. Hey, it works for them and self-level

appears as a number type rather than nil as it does for me.

Have no way through, at this point...🤨

                         *     *     *

The above peieve of code, which i borrowed from a YouTube anonymous, 

does yield plain tiles on the opening game. At subsequent levels, one is dealt 

a full board from a random column...

I need a rest from this!!

                                                           *     *     *

Also 'var' on the replacement tiles:

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