Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 Neat, I have completed Sharma 16 and now know how to enter numbers on

a quantum computer and prepare them for computation with the QTF. Because

computations are simple when modelled on phase alterations...

Below, a circuit on 4 qubits to enter a number. Note there are two swaps

to get the number at output:


The number 5:



Applying the transform:


Checking up on number 5 transformed on a real quantum computer:

Is it five:


Did not need to change anything to the code I had not already done previously. And yes,

it is still 'deprecated'.

I do intend to look into the uodated qiskit code, using Sampler and/or Estimator. It

is meant to give more control in a real computing situation. Still working on the

foundational algorithms, here, developed before there were any actual quantum computers 

built ...

                                                           *     *     *

Just ran 7:



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