Monday, July 15, 2024


 In lesson 16 on the Quantum fourier Transform, the Sharma tutorial offers

something quite useful: a visual representation of numbers 1 to 15 in the binary

state on Bloch Spheres. Followed by, also on Bloch spheres, these same numbers

in the Fouriers Basis ie as angular turns around the Z-axis once a Hadamard

gate has been applied.

For the binaries. Below, the number 13:


The left most flips once at every increment, with the number 1 at down. The

second flips every 2 with first flip toward up, the third at every 4 , the fourth

at every 8. All works just like the progression of binary numbers:

Checking if our number 13 is correct, notice we are in reverse order with the most significant

number at the end.

On the Fourier Basis:


Each increment is 1/16th of a full turn on the Hadamard plane. Thus, for 13

13/16 full turns, 1 full turn with remainder10, 3 full turns with remainder 4,

and 6 full turns with remainder 8. Again, the most significant value is at the end.

Have yet to put this on qiskit, with updated code...

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