Thursday, July 4, 2024


 Nursing staff is in high demand in the US, and recent graduates can get half-day

temporary contracts all over the country...

                                                                *     *     *

As for the 4th being a general election day in the UK; The Telegraph was running

this photo yesterday:


*     *     *
Every once in a while, I crackdown and do some serious housework. Emptied and cleaned

out the refrigerator over the course of the day, and it was a win. That jar of low-sugar jam from 

2023 is gone, as are innumrable small packets of sauce fom frozen foods... Yeah for me!

                                                                           *     *     *

I've been wondering, for a while, how to make the Greek letter psi symbol, which stands for

statevector in Qunatum Computing, appear on a qubit. Below:



   *     *     *

I also read today that despite huge investemnt in AI by all 5 San Francisco BigTech

companies: Alphabet, Amazon,  Apple, Meta and Microsoft, there have been no 

significant returns on investment, yet. 

Let's not be silly, here. AI has made a huge difference in my life, pulling me through matrix

algebra and quantum mechanics in a couple of weeks to the point where I am reading

through quantum algorithms. That would have been unthinkable - indeed it was unthinkable -

just ten years ago. AI is fantastic and coding is fun!!

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