Friday, July 12, 2024


 Sharma 15 covers Simon's algoritm(1997), one of the first to

show quantum computers could speed up computation by working 

through different altrnatives at once. Thr goal is to find the value of s -

a binary number - in an oracle (black box) context where s is added,

modulo2, to other values of a set of qubits. The CNOT gate corresponds to

the classical XOR gate, or binary addition modulo2.

Below, the example problem for a 2-qubit rendition:


Worked through on Quirk. the two possibilities are 00 0r 11. 00 is the trivial answer,

11 the answer we were looking for.

Below, Gemini's explanation:

From Copilot:

                                                  *     *     *
The updated code for the lesson:


So, now we know what might be going on when we construct a circuit. The gates

we command will put our particle in all three dimensions: rotating toward negative 

or positive, from an up or down position ie rotating clockwise or anticlockwise...


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