Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Math Moment

Asked Meta how tgis gives probability 1:

To show that the given expression has a total probability of 1, we need to calculate the sum of the probabilities of each state. In quantum computing, the probability of a state is given by the square of the absolute value of its coefficient.
Let's break down the expression:
(1+i)/2 |0> + 1/√2 |1>
We have two states:
|0> with coefficient (1+i)/2
|1> with coefficient 1/√2
To calculate the probability of each state, we take the square of the absolute value of its coefficient:
State |0>
Probability = |(1+i)/2|^2
= ((1+i)/2) * ((1-i)/2) (multiplying by complex conjugate)
= (1 - i^2)/4
= (1 + 1)/4
= 2/4
= 1/2
State |1>
Probability = |1/√2|^2
= (1/√2) * (1/√2)
= 1/2
Now, let's add the probabilities of both states:
Total Probability = Probability of |0> + Probability of |1>
= 1/2 + 1/2
= 1
Therefore, the total probability of the given expression is indeed 1.
Note: The i in the coefficient of |0> is the imaginary unit, which satisfies i^2 = -1.


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