Sunday, July 14, 2024


 Well, THAT wouldn't have happened to Vladimir Putin. All of

his outings are minutely orchestrated, everyone suspiciously

deviant sent to war or Siberia. Even his day-to-day routines

seal him off with contact with the lay public. Newspapers in the

West gloat that he is paranoid. He has been doing what is necessary 

for survival as a public figure in a mass society...

So today well-known attorney Alan Dershowitz, from Harvard Law School,

in a piece in the Telegraph UK,  argues that the whole debacle at the Trump

Butler event is  due to the incompetence of US Security Services. Which

needs to be revamped ASAP. The public spaces where politicians address voters 

need to be well secured!!

More broadly, how could this young man access the roof of an adjoining building (His father 

owns it, it turns out). With a repitition weapon (They're freely available). And not identified as 

mentally unstable (His parents are health care counsellors). And that's the thing. It's always the

ultra minority case that could not have been foreseen that causes all the trouble.

Some members of the public did try to tell local police there was someone on a roof with a gun. 

Heck, these guys were doing their jobs, not THE job.

My views on the matter. What tortuous piece of reasoning could have turned a 

tweny-year-old to such extremes. It might have been a wholly innocent play moment

that slid toward using actual weapons in a real situation. The enemy here is isolation,

someone left to his imagination. His skin was terrible, obviouly eating a lot of fast food.

Good pair of glasses; he is looked after. We may never know. 

But a body guard is not state mobilization. There is quite a bit of distance between one and the 


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