Sunday, July 28, 2024


 I'm on Lesson 3 of Basics of Quantum Information with IBM. It deals with circuits

and the Smapler and Estimator modules.



The Sampler primitive in IBM Qiskit is a tool for simulating the behavior of a quantum circuit. It allows you to efficiently estimate the probabilities of obtaining different measurement outcomes for a given quantum circuit.

Here's a breakdown of what it does:

Executes the Circuit: The Sampler takes your quantum circuit as input and runs it. This involves applying the gates and operations defined in the circuit to the qubits.

Calculates Probabilities: It then calculates the probabilities of obtaining each possible measurement outcome for the qubits. This is done using a method called "quasi-distribution" (which essentially involves sampling the circuit and building up a probability distribution).

Returns Results: The Sampler returns a results object that holds this information. You can access the probabilities of specific outcomes using the quasi_dists attribute.

Visualization: You can use the plot_histogram function to visualize the probability distribution of the measurement outcomes. This helps you understand the behavior of your quantum circuit.

Why Use the Sampler?

Efficient Simulation: The Sampler is optimized for simulating quantum circuits, particularly when dealing with large numbers of qubits. This is because it uses efficient algorithms to calculate the probabilities.
Understanding Circuit Behavior: It lets you see how the different gates and operations in your circuit influence the measurement outcomes. This can be crucial for debugging and understanding the functionality of your quantum algorithms.


from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
import aer
from qiskit.visualization import plot_histogram

# Create a simple quantum circuit
circuit = QuantumCircuit(2)
circuit.h(0), 1)

# Create a sampler object
sampler = Aer.get_backend('qasm_simulator')

# Run the circuit on the sampler
results =

# Extract the probabilities
statistics = results.quasi_dists[0].binary_probabilities()

# Plot the histogram
This code snippet demonstrates how to use the Sampler to simulate a simple quantum circuit, extract the probabilities of measurement outcomes, and visualize them using a histogram.
                                                              *     *     *

statistics = results.quasi_dists[0].binary_probabilities() Can you break down this command for me

Let's break down the command

statistics = results.quasi_dists[0].binary_probabilities()

results: This variable holds the output of running your quantum circuit on the Sampler. It contains information about the simulation, including the probabilities of different measurement outcomes.

results.quasi_dists: This attribute of the results object gives you access to the quasi-distribution of measurement outcomes. A quasi-distribution is a way to represent the probabilities in a format suitable for classical computers. It's essentially a list of probabilities for each possible measurement outcome.

results.quasi_dists[0]: This selects the first quasi-distribution from the list. Since you likely only have one circuit you're running, you're taking the results of that single circuit.

.binary_probabilities(): This method converts the quasi-distribution into a dictionary that maps each possible binary outcome (e.g., "00", "01", "10", "11") to its probability. Think of this as a way to get the probabilities in a format that's easier to understand and work with.

In summary:

The Sampler simulates your quantum circuit and calculates the probabilities of different measurement outcomes.
results.quasi_dists gives you a list of quasi-distributions, one for each circuit run.
results.quasi_dists[0] selects the first (and likely only) quasi-distribution.
.binary_probabilities() converts the quasi-distribution into a dictionary of probabilities for each binary outcome.
This dictionary, stored in the statistics variable, is ready for you to use for analysis or visualization, such as creating a histogram to see the distribution of measurement probabilities.

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