Saturday, May 12, 2018

Displaying Information!

Numbers from Wikipedia.

Trying to display information on country size for my (French-language) blog.
On Plunker...

                                           *     *     *

I was asked  - in reference to yesterday's post - if there was a fee
determining on what information level one' s business would find itself on
Google Maps. From my reading on the matter, no. There is, however,
some work to be done in getting complete and interesting information up to Google.
One needs to become a member of the Google business ecosystem, and that involves
a website, accurate and updated info , answering customer reviews and the like.

It is a confidential algorithm, kept that way to insure 'fairness'.

It is possible to place outright ads in Google Maps, as in many other places.
More information by clicking (top left) on the menu in GMaps, and gling to
consumer information.

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