Sunday, May 20, 2018

On the Road

Feelings of anticipation and apprehension mingle when one goes on the road.
One will see new places, but one might also encounter difficulties. And if travelers
past have documented discoveries for the soul, their off-hand descriptions have also
been repositories of the  misery such trips inflicted on women. Guys can wait hours
for a deal, a shot, a drink whatever. Women get hungry, feel dirty, and are often
impatient. We are closer to our immediate sensations, I guess.

Men on the road expect to meet new people - often women - with which they will have
relationships. Women already are in relationships. Whatever happens is going to be weird.
Not  that there is no room for novelty in our hearts; we just know there is a price to pay
on our current arrangements.

Trees and fields pass for hours, on either side of the road. Like a tired film, black and white.
Green for the countryside, grey for the cities. There are jolts of feeling, passages through
other worlds; these are perhaps a function of one's readings, or associations from childhood.
A hook from our minds is picking something up...A sunset from dreams past, a street corner
form a childhood game...Traveling brings up the disorder of my mind, ancient longings
one feels in others through their cities and homes. It stirs emotion, in random ways...

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