Friday, May 18, 2018


Getting real-time traffic readings from Google Maps:

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One can ask for location with GPS corrdinates (which will change ever so slightly from
day to day).

However, one cannot ask for a zoom level; one needs to scroll to it. However I aks for
downtown Montreal, the Starbucks at Place Ville Marie only appears at zoom level 18,
which comes after the GPS numbers.

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Been monitoring how GPS coordinates change somewhat at each call (usually on the
third decimal). chose the Eiffel Tower and Champ de Mars in Paris as the test

Made me read up on what the 'Champs de Mars' park is about. It's actually fascinating.
From its origins in Rome, a Champs de Mars during Merovingian and Carolingian times
is a military field. In March(... up to May), at a date when the field would be most green and capable of feeding horses, the King's military would gather. This would be the starting point for the annual raids that would enrich the kingdom. On their return, they would also gather there, for songs and stories about the valor of their exploits.

source: Wikipedia

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