Thursday, May 24, 2018

Looking Forward

In my email this morning, the popularity of programming
languages (Quora).

Clear, then, that JavaScript is the basis for Web Development. Indeed it is the accepted scripting language one doesn't even need to reference anymore with html.

The Android course that occupies me these days in effect is very similar to html, and based on
it. There is only one way to set out a page to a computer, and it will involve tags that show
the beginnings and ends of things. The difference is in the details.

The programming on Android is Java ( the ultimate object-oriented language). I looked at this years
ago, and yep, object-oriented.

Logical structures are always the same: loops, conditionals. Expect that to go well also.

Python and Ruby are interpreted languages, dating back a bit; whereas Java is compiled
but sits on a virtual platform that can be freely downloaded.

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Kirill,who is an engineer working with Android, says he does more than
one mock-up for every design. Things will behave differently on different screen sizes...

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