Friday, May 25, 2018


My favorite blogger is up again:

What would I tell my fourteen year old self . Actually, I think I should leave
that poor beleaguered creature alone, for what is neurotic parenting other than
making sure the new generation doesn't make those same old errors...

Seriously, did I underestimate sexism when I was young. The article gets it:
overcoming sexism is a form of becoming for self.👩‍💻

                                     *     *     *

Been reading that certain Web newspapers are not available today, in Europe
because of compliance issues with the new web regulations. Can't in all conscience
pirate stuff out of America, but the Los Angeles Times is running a charming piece
on a new chain of American Chinese Food currently operating in...Shanghai!

There are eight regional cuisines in China, and this is something different.

Jessica Meyers, from Shanghai

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