Thursday, May 10, 2018

Zoom Levels...

Current problem: Zoom level. Google Maps have 22 zoom levels. In jumps of 5:

A scale I am comfortable with, for shopping, dining (form the public app):

This shows up as 50 meters to 2/3 inch (bottom right ruler).

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Picking Winnipeg, Manitoba as a test case; what Google Maps shows me:

This image is slightly re-centered form what Wikipedia coordinates would yield.

Which on an app, is a level 11 zoom.

 Level 13:

 Level 14:

 Level 15:

 Level 16:

One can zoom past level 20 but there is no new information...

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One can see the zoom slider on the map (bottom right); just hover on the + to call the option:

One can nudge into a 3D perspective on the satellite view, by pressing control and dragging the mouse...Note that the tiny map is an overview.

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