Saturday, June 30, 2018


Every time a rocket is launched, hundreds of planes have to be
grounded or re-routed. IT's expensive...


Canada Day and 35C heat: I'm ready, with a playsuit that offers really
helpful aeration...

                                            *     *     *

HIS and HERS London, UK:

Friday, June 29, 2018


For guys who don't venture on the girls' web, Refinery29 holds riches
for you.

The thin girlfriend:

The marketing manager girlfriend:

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

North K

Been watching some videos on North Korea, as taken by a young Westerner
on a trip. The vids are a bit dizzying, and were often taken under difficult conditions,
but they do offer a remarkable view of the place. Clean place, North K.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Population R

For those too young to remember, the United Nations did take action on
population growth in 1975. Called the ‘population explosion’ at that time, 
humanity’s out of control reproduction was seen as problematic and - as a
result - nations were required to set goals for themselves that would bring
things down within range of population replacement. (Roughly 2 children per 
woman). Indeed, this was the impetus for China’s one child policy and, overall,
the effort has been successful. We can see population leveling off in this century.

I mention this today because, looking through the Immigration figures for
the US last night, I was struck with one aspect of the situation. As many know 
through experience, the Latino population in the US has been expanding (after 
those from India and Syria). It is also a highly visible phenomena because that
subpopulation is concentrated in the Southwest, California in particular. To the point
where there are significant numbers of people who do not speak English at all.
Moreover, if there is presently emphasis on migrants from South America arriving
with children, the immigration figures show that this population reproduces most
on arrival

I’m not trying to stoke resentment here: they are having babies while hard-working
Americans are paying off student loans. From a policy perspective, it is this 
subpopulation that is sustaining American replacement fertility figures. And let
us not be unreasonable about it. In the next and subsequent generations, they too
will be paying off those loans. That is the nature of the immigration experience.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Migrants Crisis

Heads of the European Community are meeting this June 24 to prepare
a meeting of the 28 for next week-end that would look for a common
solution to the migrants crisis. France is in favor of closed centers that would
host migrants until all could be processed, eventually accepting the one

in ten who is a true refugee, as opposed to economic migrants.

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Politically incorrect, but the sound is light; something new:

                                                    *     *     *

So it is party time in Quebec this week-end and the official holiday is tomorrow:
la St-Jean, or in a more modern parlance, the National Holiday.

The Montreal region is running a 50-50 chance of getting rained out on outdoor concerts
tonight, and fireworks tomorrow. That has become a common occurrence, given climate

Doesn't mean we have to suffer in the food department. If the internet had its yuks
on pineapple on pizza, there is yet one horror that has remained unmentioned; and that
is Blue Cheese on Pizza. Yes, there is actually a variety of four-cheese pizza that does
that. Gag!!**

Below,  have removed the offensive toping from left-over pizza, and replaced it
with pâté and mustard. (Paris-pâté at that, sold only in Quebec). And I'm having it for

*     *     *

Yup, it rained last night and it will no doubt rain this evening again. Made a
egg salad sandwich for breakfast:


Friday, June 22, 2018



source: Libération

author: Boris Toucas, guest of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington)

translation: doxa-louise

How can we make sense of the ‘historic’ meeting between Donald Trump and
Kim Jong-un? As the American President, without justification, leaves the accord
on Iranian nuclear, why so many concessions to Kim Jong-un?

After the adoption of a joint declaration, June 12 in Singapore, between Donald
Trump and Kim Jong-un, the press is unanimous in calling the moment ‘historic’.
Whether they are congratulatory on the renewal of dialogue, or unhappy about
seeing Kim come out strengthened from the encounter, observers agree there is now
a draft of an accord between two long-term enemies.

But has the risk of nuclear war really diminished, as the American President tells us
on Twitter? Not really. In spite of a widely shared cognitive bias, it is not because Trump,
a quarrelsome person by nature, gets through a summit meeting without fireworks,
that the said summit was a diplomatic success.

First, the hazards of American political life have made complicated finding a stable
policy on North Korea over thirty years. Congress could oppose any accord, as was the
case in 1994 for North Korea being compensated in return for giving up military
nuclear. To that we must add the instability proper to the Trump era. What the President
gives, he can also take away, as he demonstrated to his own allies at the recent G7.

Then we have to ask ourselves why North Korea suddenly accepted in 2018 a meeting
it refused a year earlier. Perhaps a longing for peace, but one will note foremost that
Kim likes to dictate the international agenda himself, using provocation to intimidate
the adversary, then using the adverse openings to consolidate his positions and strengthen his importance. Three elements were present in the North Korean strategic calculations.

Breakthroughs from Science Team

On the credit sheet of the international community, the constant pressure from sanctions, 
which have struck whole sectors of the North Korean economy, from petrol to seafood. The restrictive measures finally agreed to - with regrets - by China hurt
relations between the two countries. The result would be a brake on Kim’s desire
for accelerated economic development, the second aspect of his program (after

Amazing performances from North Korea’s Scientific Community also altered
the givens. In 2016, a number of missile launches had failed, threatening the
star of North Korea’s weaponry, the Musudan (2 500 km). A year later, the third
Kim leader demonstrated he had the H-bomb, medium-range missiles (Hwasong-12)
and an embryonic intercontinental capability (Hwasong-14, 15), having launched more
missiles in three years than his father and grand-father in their respective reigns.

Especially, and paradoxically, by demonstrating at the end of 2017 that it would soon
have American territory within reach, North Korea became a priority adversary
for the United States. Trump’s menace to ‘totally destroy’ the country, albeit rhetorical,  
caused some hesitation in the Regime, which wants to survive above all. Going one
step further ( with a nuclear test over the Pacific, for example), would run the risk of
loosing control of the escalation process.

Thus, the summit does yield a common declaration but it is as sparse on nuclear as
the symbolism of the summit - American and Korean flags side by side - was
strong. There is a reference to the ‘denuclearization of the peninsula’, agreed on terms
since 1992, but not the phrasing of the Security Council calling for a ‘complete, 
verifiable and irreversible dismantling’ of the program.

The complete cessation of testing decreed by Kim in April is also an ‘up the sleeve’
effect. It stops neither research, nor enrichment, nor the mining of data on previous
trials. The Regime will be flooding us with unilateral steps as reversible as
spectacular in the coming days to garner sympathy from the media, as was done in 2008 at Yongbyon, with predictable results.

Untamed Ambitions

In reality, if Kim wanted to give evidence of sincerity, he could make public
a complete list of materials and installations on Korean soil, place these under
the control of an independent body, dismantle key installations - in particular,
uranium enrichment, end his infant ballistic submarine program, which testifies to
undeclared ambitions to date. None of these propositions is on the table.

At a time when Trump pulls out without justification on the nuclear deal with
Iran, it is legitimate for us to question the concessions graciously offered to Kim.
A tyrant who denies nothing. The American stance brings uncertainty, as South-Korea 
and Japan are made vulnerable to the North. If the President were to maintain
an indefinite acquiescence to North Korean regional dissuasion in return for
halting development on weapons aimed on North America, he would destabilize
his allies.

Defense Posture

In the meantime, a discrete re-arrangement of forces in the region is under way.
China, active in the background, is incredibly happy about Trim promising the end to 
South-Korean American military exercises. Moscow and Pekin are outdoing each other 
in their efforts to show good will toward Pyongyang and give up on hard-won sanctions.
South-Korea is calling for dialogue, but looking for strategic capabilities. Japan, worried 
that the United States might be leaving the region, are reviewing their defense posture.

Certainly, the American President needs time. Nonetheless, in subsequent matches, 
Trump will have much to do to show that concessions made without apparent counterparts 
were worth the effort. Certainly, disarmemant plans negotiated by Republican Administrations 
have better chance of succeeding. But while we await a breakthrough in negotiations, North 
Korea stands as the only country to have enshrined the nuclear option  in its constitution.

Thursday, June 21, 2018


So today is the Summer solstice, the longest day of the year. From now on, we will be
adding a few seconds of nighttime everyday, at an accelerating pace of up to a few minutes
at the fall equinox, and slowing down again to the winter solstice. For Montreal, sun up
at 5:06 and sundown at 20:43, for a 15:36 hour day.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Today is World Refugee Day!

Here is my take on the separated children issue, currently debated
in the US.

Refugees from South and Central America enter the USA illegally.
The parents get put in jail, and are thus separated from their children
who are not. The crying children end up - at least temporarily -
in caged enclosures, to the consternation of the world community.

Wy are the parents jailed to begin with; they are in no sense convicted
criminals. They are individuals in a non-legal residency situation; they
have not been processed by Immigration. No matter how the US structures
its immigration process to deal with such cases, if at all, there is no
ground for this approach to refugees.

The parents and children stay together; everybody gets a bath, bottled water
et tout le reste. That is the humane minimum...

                                                     ☺     ☺     ☺

On the Immigration side of the question, there is one aspect that is rarely talked about.
Yes, in coming to America or to another developed part of the world, there is a fair amount 
of learning to be done. One needs to adjust to a technologically advanced, puralistic 
society. But, for many, there is also a fair amount of un-learning involved.
Many of these immigrants are coming from mature civilizations, and are lovely
people because of it. Everyday life, getting around, getting work, dating, are rougher 
practices in a modernist world. Canada encourages some cultural autonomy, the US 
does not. 

                                                            *     *     *

A factor in this debate is the distinction between those who demand immigration
status at the border, and the illegals found to have infiltrated US soil. This reflects
the larger distinction, applicable to all countries, between their own immigration rules,
and the need to accept true refugees fleeing dangerous Regimes, governed by
International agreements. It is the latter which is creating difficult situations.

Germany, for instance, found itself having to absorb millions of people because
they were refugees. In effect ridiculous numbers, and Angela Merkel is paying
the price in her current difficulties forming a government. More broadly, populist
governments are cropping up everywhere, and bashing 'right-wing' voters in the
press isn't helping clarify things. Indeed, it is inviting voters to think of themselves
as already on the Right.

We live in a connected world, and this creates positive feedback loops for behaviors
that succeed. Climate is changing pretty fast, and one can expect large numbers to
be climate displaced. We might gain from having a new look at our understandings.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

New Technology File System

I had a bit of a traumatic woment with my Surface Pro 2 last week; I say
traumatic because, when a computer stops working, things can look bleak
pretty fast.

This is not uncommon, but after the latest Windows 10 upgrade (which I
wasn’t expecting), the computer wouldn’t start but would merely go on a 
loop of ‘restoring to a previous version of Windows’ black page with a spin

I read as much about this as possible, and finally admitted to myself that I would 
be loosing all my files. I made an image of Windows 10 on a USB3 key,
but even that wouldn’t do the trick. ( NB It has to be in the same language as
the system one is currently running). 

Ended up going to the shop, in a state of nervous exhaustion. 

The people at Best Buy were aces, and had a new version of Windows 10
uploading in no time, from their USB3 key. The problem, in retrospect, was this:
I had formatted my key as exFat, but what was needed was NTFS, New Technology
File System. Not really my fault because all I had to work from was a Mac, which has
no option for NTFS. But still an expensive lesson.

So my computer is back home, factory clean, and ready to take me to Disney Games.
I’m actually hesitating about enabling it back on Internet. The very least I should
do is format my USB3 key to NFTS, in case disaster should strike again...
Although, in point of fact, the kind of inability to see through an update that
I experienced only happens if one has less than 10 G of free memory. Otherwise, all is fine.
(I had app 10, obviously not enough for this update).

                                               *     *     *

On a Mac, there is a utility to partition your hard drive to include Windows (Boot Camp). 
There is also a disk utility.

                                                      *     *     *

Japanese Hotcakes

Time to reset everything at sane.

It rained so hard yesterday that my windows are actually clean!!

Below, a recipe for pancakes for the summer holidays from my Looks Good file.
It very much resembles the standard recipe, only there is less milk and more egg.
There is also more leavening agent. Should indeed be fluffier. Linking to the site...

Monday, June 18, 2018

Tacos and Bs

It struck me the other day that I am not very clear about what a taco is, or a burrito
either etymologically, historically, or within cuisine. I am not sure I could order
something interesting in a Tex-mex restaurant. and although there are myriad tortilla
varieties at the supermarket, I pass on by because all that is foreign. Time to take a look.

Wikipedia informs us that the Spanish words taco and burrito mean pretty much the same
thing: corn flour flat-bread used to present fillings and garnishes. But taco is from Mexico City and burrito, the Yucatan. historically quite different places. The Yucatan, which many know as the home
of party-city Cancun, was a Maya region. Mexico City, by contrast, was an Aztec settlement,
which dates from 1300 in its last incarnation, thus later.

Tex-mex is what happens when this cuisine evolves and gets translated to restaurant
culture in the US. One can only guess what differences occur but the spices get toned
down,  the tortilla gets deep fried for a crunchier taco, the burrito ( a saddle meal, with
the rice and beans wrapped within the tortilla for transport) gets a wet variety with an
oven baking sauce etc...

Taco Bell, the first Tex-mex chain, has two lonely restaurants in the Montreal region. From
their menu:

Chipotle, much appreciated by the health-conscious, is only present in Vancouver:

The ever-cheerful Mark Wiens takes us to Mexico City, for an  epic taco crawl. What men
cook for each other on the street; notice the tortilla  soaked in oil:

Perhaps the real difference is between a burrito and a fajita!? (The fajita being the meat

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Hard Work, Korea

The Tim-Trump summit has been presented to the North Korean population
in a 42 minute video where, for the first time, the wealth of Liberal Democracies
is on show. And claims that Tim Jong-un wants to open the ccounry to economic activity.
The film also concludes that the summit was made possible by the hard work of
building a nuclear arsenal.

source: Le Monde

Hydrogen Actually

I’ve been reading about how France has been setting quite specific goals about the percentage of renewables they expect - for the next ten years - in the total energy mix, and this at the departmental level. 30%. This is awesome and seems out of reach for North America.

Parenthetically, been wondering if the United States is not undergoverned. Yes, there are two very active levels of government in the US, but the Lower House of Congress has 435 Representatives for a population of 326 million, while in France l’Assemblée Nationale has 577 for 67 million citizens. Their time will be spent differently. Not to mention the presence of the European Parliament, which I like to think of as the idealism layer. It is where Europeans are perhaps the most persnickety, but it also forces debate on a more abstract level and this makes it a very progessive force. (We engage in sandbox politics at the North American level!!)

Back to energy, it was long ago explained to me that the problem with renewables was that it was impossible to store excess production. you get wind energy when there is wind, and that’s it. And the renewable source that was freely accessible - hydrogen - was dangerous af. Thus, a real limit to the future of renewables. Turns out that, attacking the two problems together, there is solution of sorts. Excess renewable production can be used to produce hydrogen which can ge stored in gas no more than 20% of volume, for security reasons. And France has been moving ahead with demonstration projects. Source below.

                                              *     *     *


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Bon A

And then the pros come through: Bon Appétit food blogger Alex D. does the New York
slice ( of pizza, silly). Lots of eating, and clear reviews.

There is also one on breakfast tacos in Austin Texas, but the only specimen of those
where I live is at MacDonald's...

Friday, June 15, 2018

Winter Time

So there!

We seem to be going down the list of President Trump's election issues: intellectual
property problems with China, unfavorable trade balances generally. And tariffs are
the answer to both, with an additional set (at 25%) on $50 billion Chinese exports announced today.

Do try to keep winter vegetables out of it: I really appreciate lettuce and orange juice in winter!!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Electric and Affordable

French car-maker Renault is part of a larger conglomerate: Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi.
They announced, yesterday, an investment of 1 billion Euros to refurbish four car-making
facilities in France toward the production of electric cars. For the French market, they
foresee eight 100% electric models and twelve hybrid by 2022.

                                             *     *     *

The European Union has unanimously voted to impose tariffs on goods produced in
America to counter steel and aluminum tariffs imposed by the US. The could come into effect
June 20, or wait till July First to harmonize with Canadian tariffs. Care is being taken
to tax goods made in America, rather than those proposed by American companies, which
might be made anywhere. In effect, they hit on agricultural areas, often those
that voted for President Trump.

They will be taxing jeans and make-up.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

European Defense

The European Community is going solo on Defense procurement for
the years 2020. This might not be what the US had in mind when the
President made clear Nato partners should do more...

Price of M

It would be absurd to not recognize the presence of milk alternatives in the North
American diet, and the displacement this has on he dairy market itself. Millenials
are migrating to almond milk (the great favorite), replacing milk in their diets for
eating with cereals, smoothies and so forth. These milks occupy the shelves in
supermarket - not refrigerated unless opened - although,  here in Canada, they are
more expensive than regular milk products.

Personally, I'm a bit of a holdout, finding them less filling. Indeed they are, clocking
in at half the calories of even lower-fat milk. That may be part of their appeal,
especially if used with protein powders by those who go to the gym.

So a practical choice for some: the health enthusiasts. And a principled choice for
others: the vegans, and those suspicious of dairy generally. It is a quickly expanding

Demographically, the population is aging ie the age pyramid holds more elderly people.
So per capita consumption of everything should be down, like ice cream. No surprise
there. But concerns with health initially created a market for yogurt, and is today pushing
many away from dairy altogether.

                                                       *     *     *

How does Canada's management of offer in the dairy industry work. It comes down to
this: a farmer needs permission to produce milk ie bring it to market, and quotas are
established annually by province. They are also traded, so it is not Dictatorial control but
there is a market within a market, as well.

And for hot news, Maxime Bernier - the defeated leadership candidate famous for opposing this system - has just been booted from the Conservative Shadow Cabinet. Serious business...

Monday, June 11, 2018

Singapore Now

                                         *     *     *
Kim Jong-un visited the Singapore Botanical Gardens last night. Selfie, below:

source: Libération

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Where in the world

Kim Jung-un is staying at the St-Regis, Singapore:

President Trump, like many American  presidents before him, is at the

 Tuesday's meeting will be held on an island off Singapore:

                                         *     *     *

The hottest club on the planet, ever on Ibiza (Hi):


So here's my take on the dairy management crisis, and the US.
In certain US circles, there are references to Soviet Canuckistan, because
the Canadian government makes sure dairy farmers get a reasonable return
for their activities. Prices are controlled and so is production. This goes against
the principle of market economy, where the consumers get the better
deal if producers compete one against the other.

My first thought: milk is milk. There is no better product. And it is
considered a necessary part of diet for children, so adequate supply is
necessary at all times. Personally, I have always felt reassured knowing
that milk is there, at a known price.

Currently, there is a glut of milk in the US. Arguably because there are too many
producers for their market. Dairy farming is much less profitable in the US.

The elephant in the room: veganism , and the reasons behind it. My secret hope is that -
because they are better remunerated - Canadian producers run more humane dairy farms.
There is Romanticism, and there is true reason for concern about industrial farming
practices. Largely inevitable that dairy farms will be full of 'female' cows, and that the
male young will be sold as veal. Troubling that cows will be kept without exercise, made
to milk under duress  in extraordinary quantities, and die off of illness and exhaustion at
age 5 when the life expectancy of a healthy cow is 20 years. That holds
both sides of the border.

As always, there is context. One can find all kinds of US dairy products that look like fun.
But then one sees a lot of other fun stuff at the larger chains. Maybe our own chains can
partner to import stuff from the US that would find a niche in those stores...

Saturday, June 9, 2018


The G7 meeting in La Malbaie is getting nice weather. That is a relief.
The Journal de Montreal is running a brief history of the institution in
today's paper. I was happy to learn that it originated an informal meeting of finance ministers
that got pulled up to bring the actual leaders together, at the time of Valery Giscard d'Estaing.

Today is also World Gin Day, a happy coincidence for the Queen on the Trouping  the Color
(rumored to choose gin as her indulgence of choice).

And hard liquor is actually vegan. 
                                        *     *     *

What went down at the G7 meeting,acording to AFP (AgenceFrancePresse):

Asking Russia to return is not officially an issue; the US is firm about wanting various
countries to import more US products. There were overnight talks between officials.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Say Cheese

Apparently, BuzzFeed France is about to be shut down ( and its 14
employees fired)because they do not generate sufficient revenue.
In point of fact, they do not get ads on their own but must rely on
BuzzFeed London to do the work.

I do not particularly care for avant-garde reporting from BuzzFeed.
France does not lack quality journalism. But the below feature
occupied a particular niche, and is irreplaceable!! I check them
two to three tines a week, usually in the evening before turning off.
They have a young audience...and me💃

Food Rules

I was interested to discover the origins of the - now controversial - Food Guide.
Canada's first Food Guide appeared in 1942, in a context of wartime food rationing. 

It was approved by Canada's Nutrition Council, which was comprised of food 
scientists, doctors, social workers.. It was meant to offer a practical embodiment 
of what eating for health should look like, given the knowledge about nutrition of 
the times, but also keeping in mind the nutritional problems experienced by various populations.

"Thus, the Official Food Rules were intended to be a focal point for a wartime 
nutrition program to improve the health of Canadians by maximizing nutrition 
in the context of food rationing and poverty."

And thus it begins: from its very inception, the  guide was building up health 
in populations perhaps malnourished, and certainly for all, intent on maximizing 
nutritional return. Here is what it looked like:

                                 *     *     *

Equally interesting, current hearings in France have to do with getting
clear on what  real food is (vs fake Food). Fish is food, sardines in oil is 
still food, fish sticks is fake food. The argument here is that the profitable 
practice of 'cracking' food into nutrients and then re-assembling them is not 
optimal for health...

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Yes, you were wrong. And guess what, you are still. The best diet is the next one;
because we have evolved, adapting to various conditions along the way and picking up
different practices. Even cooking food can be seen as problematic, and trans fats
appear the minute we put things in the oven.

So there is no perfect forever optimal diet but one needs to adapt as a function of one's current difficulties and goals. I do not say this lightly; the food guide is not  goal, but a reference.

And to get the party started, the ever entertaining Eric the Electric. Poor chap suffers from
low thyroid, often reading his body temp at 95°F in the mornings. Team Electric!!

I'm actually worried this young man might be feeling the beginnings of theobromine
poisoning from all that chocolate: something we, the elderly, are prone to...

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Finally found what mammals looked like during the Triassic: this little fellow.
The second is the version found in Africa.
                                        source: Slate(below)
                                             source: Wikipedia

Monday, June 4, 2018


Adapative thermogenesis is the actual term to describe that much maligned
metabolic adaptation experienced by those who loose weight quickly. Makes sense:
the individual is suddenly faced with less food, or needs to be more active, and
metabolism adapts through thermal activities. In effect, the thyroid gland is the main
player here. If it didn't, the individual would be very vulnerable to changes in environmental
conditions, and not much of a candidate for survival. So starving the person starves the
thyroid, with the effects that we observe. The ability to procreate is the last to go.

What can be done to counter this: the fitness community advises - after a show, for example -
reverse dieting. Rather than an abrupt return to normal food intake, the individual slowly adds
foods back to the diet. Metabolic function follows along.

One interesting research finding I stumbled upon had to do with the fate of those who had gone
through bariatric surgery. One might assume that given  very large amounts of weight loss, these
individuals would suffer the most form a damaged metabolism. Not at all: it is those who got
thin by dieting who are cursed. The bariatric patients exhibit a return to normal metabolism
because - through no will of their own - they have followed reverse dieting guidelines. From
eating just liquids, then a few solids, a bite more here, another there, they have reset their

                                   *     *     *

 Where I would have questions would be with respect to the nature of the foods
ingested. If one suddenly cuts out carbs - which is what a body builder going to
competition might be doing - this might lead to the need for a quick metabolic
adjustment. Whereas a student going on a diet, and cutting out fast foods for a while,
might not see such a quick response because burgers and fries are high fat and protein.
Need to ponder this a bit more...

The Biggest Looser victims were not just cutting down carbs, but also doing more cardio
(which burns quick energy). The body might have adapted because it literally ran out
of cheap fuel. Ingested protein is - on a first pass - used for body building and repair, and broken
down to be used as fuel only if it is in excess of need.

In the same vein, our student dieter cutting out fats might well lack the elements necessary
to produce cholesterol, testosterone (which regulates metabolism) and other thyroid hormones.
So the metabolic slowdown for the student will be the result of another process.

Sunday, June 3, 2018


The French Parliament will be receiving, Monday June 4, 2018, a report on
bioethics with respect to genetic engineering. The main argument is troubling:
the current direction in which the domain is moving - thanks to a powerful technology
which allows to cut an paste genes - is quite contrary to medical ethics as we understand it.
Medicine corrects inequality, genetic engineering widens it.

Of particular concern are interventions that affect not just the individual, but his offspring and
eventually, the future of mankind. Such practices are illegal for the moment in France. And
removing lineages of terrible sickness can be done legally by only re-implanting embryos that
are healthy with respect to a certain gene (good-by Einstein with that wagging tongue thing).

Chilling reading, no doubt.

What do I think about it? Take it easy, guys. Science (and culture generally) is a form of post facto
record-keeping to processes that are in fine spiritual.That's what I think about it.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


OMG I missed National Doughnut Day (USA) 🍩, which was yesterday.
Can I ever catch up?

Seriously, I'm pretty angry about the whole calorie counting thing. It's -  at
one level - a truism that one will loose weight by cutting calories. But it is also
disturbingly stupid to approach weight management from the calorie ingested
perspective; and then decry metabolic adaptation: the fact that the body will
switch to do more with less after a period of deprivation. Of course it will, that too is a
a survival mechanism.

I think back to that female doctor in the 1930s who - herself  gaining weight - had the
flashy idea to approach dieting through calories. If I just keep the calorie count down,
weight loss will result without having to worry about this and that, ie incidentally, she thought.
Thus calorie restricted weight loss was born.To the damn of subsequent generations.

Was it a stupid idea, a fat and lazy approach to a serious issue. There was an insight there,
that science does provide markers. Actually, it was ge-ni-ous, as current internet culture
would define it. A bad good idea one needs to approach with a grain of salt.

So that expanding doctor had a problem, born of a shifting context: as sugary treats
became widely available, people could gain weight not always knowing why. Because the context
of social control was no longer up the evolution of the technical parameters ie available foods.

What is the current context, and is it truly failing us. Abundant food is a joyous thing
for us smart apes. In an information and marketing-driven culture, every day is Doughnut
Day. Hoorah! And there is a manic party  on the Web with eaters of all varieties
celebrating it all. Hoorah, Hoorah. So lets celebrate weight control, because not only do we
have abundant food, but we have abundant foods of all kinds, which  allows us to fine-tune
our appearance and well-being.

I didn't eat a doughnut yesterday, but it was raining and I dug out a fancy raisin bun from
the freezer to cheer myself a bit. ( I had half, with cheese, to both enjoy the treat and avoid
the insulin roller coaster. In point of fact, these two tasted great together, and I felt not only
pleasure but a sense of satiety eating it.) A portion of cottage cheese is currently thawing on the
counter, which I will eating with a banana for today's breakfast. A whole banana, you diet police of
yesterday who said to never eat a whole banana, if at all for calorie restriction.

Cheers, as I sip my morning brew - black - because it will help that sweet banana go down later!!

Friday, June 1, 2018


Hard to tell what is going on in this steel tariffs business. It will be remembered
that the US initially imposed hefty tariffs on Chinese steel in 2016 because that
country was subsidizing its steel industry, and dumping cheap steel on world markets.
What that did in effect was force others (like Canada) to offer cheaper steel to the US.
Extending tariffs to friendly trading partners now can be seen as making things fairer
for China in its offer to the US. The fundamental issue is ever the same: China is looking for a spot
on the world steel front, the US is a heavy enough player to worry about its economy in both
jobs and import prices under various decisions.

What is perhaps troubling to the pundits in Washington is that such complex matters are
normally handled by Congressional committees, gathering all elements ofinformation over
a long period. This administration plays fast and loose. Hard to tell what the thinking is, and how accurately it foresees outcomes.


Sex Ed: 'How would you feel, if a girl has more than one boyfriend'
For the last fifteen years or so, there have been classes in colleges
enabling debate around notions of intimacy, listening, respect, consent.

author: Mattea Battaglia
translation: doxa-louise

"Is it difficult, at thirteen, to create relationships with girls" The nine level 4 students
to whom Christine Héritier, couple and family coach working at  Bluets-Trousseau
Family Planning (Paris, Arrondissement 12), ask the question on this Friday at the end of May,
don't really see any problem. It is with amazing truthfulness that these youngsters between
13 and 15, for whom sex life is still, most often, at the projection stage, answer in the negative.
Add up and count again the girls they find attractive. Call each other out as 'seducers' and

Next to Christine Héritier, a woman from school personnel cuts in to remind them they are not
there to speak about themselves but about love relationships 'in general'. It is the very aim of
these sequences of sex ed inscribed in law for the last fifteen years ( three sessions a year, by age
group),but which one quarter of schools, according to the Haut Conseil à l'égalité, still don't
take advantage of.

"I would be gripped by hatred."

In this ZEP college (putting priority on staying in school) from easterly Paris, where the
students are often from immigrant families, and don't talk about 'that', in a family setting,
there is work to be done.And the nine boys seem to understand: on procreation, contraception
and puberty, they are top-notch, acknowledges the coach. With respect to everything having to do with a love relationship, it is harder to find agreement.

"The guy can, in his own head, not think of himself as in a couple relationship, while the
girl does", suggests Mourad. "The inverse is also true, whispers Christine Héritier. How
would you feel about a girl with many boyfriends?" "I would be gripped by hatred", answers
"I would feel like hitting her", adds Karim. "Vengeance": the word resonates among the boys
(the girls are in another room, for their own session), without a clear indication of who said it.

The anecdotes begin. "If the girl sent photos of herself, on can post these to social media", argues
Karim. 'That way, everybody sees them, even her friends, even her mother", multiplies Mourad.
"Taking vengeance on betrayal, one can feel like doing it but know how to hold oneself back from
doing it, corrects Christine. To the others, What is your opinion. A number of the boys feel
that vengeance is justified. Even Kilian, who is yet taken with the story of a girl who "after
publication of a video, mutilated herself". 'I don't understand; what is the purpose,then, of
filming oneself?"

The exchange, in all its spontaneity, permits putting up for debate notions of intimacy, listening,
respect, consent. Terms which are then elevated to become principles which society takes up
"by expecting young people to articulate and put in practice,while all this is still terribly difficult for
adults" admit the women to themselves in aparté.

Asking a young woman if they can kiss her, or 'go beyond that' leaves these
young men speechless. "If a girl put this question to me, I would find that pretty weird"
suggests Adam. " Not if she is a dog!", joke the guys. "Keep in mind that not being in the
mood, and not daring to say it, happens often, concludes Christine Héritier. Because one
 can be surprised, feel shy, not ready...Because desire fluctuates."