Sunday, June 3, 2018


The French Parliament will be receiving, Monday June 4, 2018, a report on
bioethics with respect to genetic engineering. The main argument is troubling:
the current direction in which the domain is moving - thanks to a powerful technology
which allows to cut an paste genes - is quite contrary to medical ethics as we understand it.
Medicine corrects inequality, genetic engineering widens it.

Of particular concern are interventions that affect not just the individual, but his offspring and
eventually, the future of mankind. Such practices are illegal for the moment in France. And
removing lineages of terrible sickness can be done legally by only re-implanting embryos that
are healthy with respect to a certain gene (good-by Einstein with that wagging tongue thing).

Chilling reading, no doubt.

What do I think about it? Take it easy, guys. Science (and culture generally) is a form of post facto
record-keeping to processes that are in fine spiritual.That's what I think about it.

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