Sunday, June 10, 2018


So here's my take on the dairy management crisis, and the US.
In certain US circles, there are references to Soviet Canuckistan, because
the Canadian government makes sure dairy farmers get a reasonable return
for their activities. Prices are controlled and so is production. This goes against
the principle of market economy, where the consumers get the better
deal if producers compete one against the other.

My first thought: milk is milk. There is no better product. And it is
considered a necessary part of diet for children, so adequate supply is
necessary at all times. Personally, I have always felt reassured knowing
that milk is there, at a known price.

Currently, there is a glut of milk in the US. Arguably because there are too many
producers for their market. Dairy farming is much less profitable in the US.

The elephant in the room: veganism , and the reasons behind it. My secret hope is that -
because they are better remunerated - Canadian producers run more humane dairy farms.
There is Romanticism, and there is true reason for concern about industrial farming
practices. Largely inevitable that dairy farms will be full of 'female' cows, and that the
male young will be sold as veal. Troubling that cows will be kept without exercise, made
to milk under duress  in extraordinary quantities, and die off of illness and exhaustion at
age 5 when the life expectancy of a healthy cow is 20 years. That holds
both sides of the border.

As always, there is context. One can find all kinds of US dairy products that look like fun.
But then one sees a lot of other fun stuff at the larger chains. Maybe our own chains can
partner to import stuff from the US that would find a niche in those stores...

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