Saturday, June 23, 2018


Politically incorrect, but the sound is light; something new:

                                                    *     *     *

So it is party time in Quebec this week-end and the official holiday is tomorrow:
la St-Jean, or in a more modern parlance, the National Holiday.

The Montreal region is running a 50-50 chance of getting rained out on outdoor concerts
tonight, and fireworks tomorrow. That has become a common occurrence, given climate

Doesn't mean we have to suffer in the food department. If the internet had its yuks
on pineapple on pizza, there is yet one horror that has remained unmentioned; and that
is Blue Cheese on Pizza. Yes, there is actually a variety of four-cheese pizza that does
that. Gag!!**

Below,  have removed the offensive toping from left-over pizza, and replaced it
with pâté and mustard. (Paris-pâté at that, sold only in Quebec). And I'm having it for

*     *     *

Yup, it rained last night and it will no doubt rain this evening again. Made a
egg salad sandwich for breakfast:


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